“Keep Up”

Keep up is a phrasal verb.

Keep up means

  • to move or progress at the same rate as someone or something else.
  • to continue the course of action.
  • to maintain a relationship with someone.


Keep up in the context of moving or progress at the same rate as someone or something else. 

  1. He needs to run faster, so he can keep up with the group.
  2. Tim needs to sell more cars this month to keep up with Maxine’s sales.


Keep up in the context of continuing the course of action.

  1. Keep up the good work.
  2. If you keep up the good work, they will promote you.


Keep up in the context of maintaining a relationship with someone.

  1. It is important to keep up a friendship, you can do this by calling or texting your friends to check on them.
  2. We meet once a month for dinner to keep up our friendship.