Play Date

A play date is a date and time that is set by parents for their children to play together.

Typically, parents use the term play date for babies, toddlers, and children in kindergarten. It is sometimes used with children in 1st– 4th grade, However, after 5th it is not used, because it is arranged by parents. As children grow older, they arrange their own time with friends and they refer to it as “hanging out”.

Play dates for young children are often 1-2 hours. As children get older, they can from 2 hours to 4 or more.

How to ask for a play date.

  • In-person

Hello, my name is (your name). I am (your child’s name) mom/dad. My son/daughter would like to invite your son/daughter to have a play date. If he/she would like that, please let me know. You are both welcome to come to our home, or we can meet at the park, or the library during story time.

  • In writing

Dear (the other child’s name) parent,

My son/daughter (your child’s name) is in the same class as your child. We would like to invite your son/daughter to have a play date. If he/she would like that, please let me know. You are both welcome to come to our home, or we can meet at the park, or the library during story time.

My cell phone number is 123-456-7890.



Your name

(Your child’s name)’s mom/dad


How to respond to a playdate invite/request.

Thank you, that is very nice of you. I will ask my son/daughter and get back to you about it. Either way, let’s exchange phone numbers.

Practice Reading

  1. Hey Maggie, would your daughter like to come over for a play date with my daughter?
  2. Ben said he wants to invite Kevin from his class for a play date. I will write Kevin’s mom a note with my phone number. Then, I will give the note to the teacher so that she can pass it along to Kevin’s mom. Hopefully, she will call me.